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Our yoga teachers in Yoga Aruna school in Genoa

Our Yoga teachers

The Yoga Aruna - IYENGAR® Yoga School has a team of certified yoga teachers with decades of experience in the world of IYENGAR® Yoga able to accompany the students in a path of growth, discovery and physical and mental well-being.
The school also has active collaborations with senior teachers of renowned international renown with whom it organizes workshops, seminars and in-depth courses.

Our Yoga teachers

Founder of the school - Qualification: intermediate junior II

Francesca makes her first encounter with the practice of Yoga in 2004, in London, at the IYENGAR® Yoga Institute.
In the coming years, Francesca continues her journey of discovery of IYENGAR® Yoga, practicing in Italy and India, where she strengthens her skills by attending the daily lessons of the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune.
The passion for IYENGAR® Yoga leads Francesca to deepen the study of Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine, learning the techniques of massage. Francesca obtained the certification as a teacher in 2011 under the guidance of Gabriella Giubilaro in Florence. Today Francesca continues to follow refresher sessions with senior teachers including David Meloni and Gabriella Giubilaro. In November 2018 Francesca obtained the Intermediate Junior II certificate.
His motto: The journey is long and exciting!


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Iyengar® Yoga Certification

A sign of excellence, clarity and depth of understanding

The certification process of Iyengar Yoga is considered the "gold standard" of the teaching credentials of Yoga.
It is very rigorous, ensuring a well-trained instructor in the art, science and philosophy of Yoga. Prospective teachers confirm their dedication through years of study: at least 3 as students + 3 of teacher training​.
Teacher training includes the study of anatomy, physiology, philosophy and practical teaching methods.
Certification candidates undergo an assessment process that includes the presentation of a "mentor" teacher and a three-part exam; prospective teachers must demonstrate competence in the performance of the asanas, in teaching and sustain a written examination of philosophy and anatomy.
The evaluation is held by an external commission composed of senior level teachers.
At the end of this path the Introdoctory level is achieved. The training and assessment process continues with more advanced standards and programs for three additional levels of certification, from Introductory to Intermediate Junior III. Even higher levels of certification are granted directly by Geeta Iyengar.
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