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Structure and equipment of Yoga in the school of Genoa - Yoga Aruna - IYENGAR® Yoga School

School structure and equipment

Yoga Aruna - IYENGAR® Yoga School was founded in 2010 by the Francesca and Stefano passion and love for Iyengar Yoga.
The Yoga school is located in the historic center of Genoa, in a alley not far from Piazza De Ferrari.
Francesca, after years of personal practice with internationally renowned masters, decides to open a center dedicated to IYENGAR® Yoga in her city, Genoa, to spread her passion for yoga.
The school of Yoga Aruna is a center exclusively dedicated to the practice of IYENGAR® Yoga and the spaces are designed to create an environment that is as favourable as possible to the yoga practice.

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Props - Yoga Aruna - IYENGAR® Yoga School Genoa
In the IYENGAR® Yoga we use numerous tools (props such as pillows, blankets, bricks, belts, ropes, chairs) to help the students in the practice of asanas, guiding them towards a deeper level of awareness and making the yoga practice safe and affordable for everyone.


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